
Patience and Perseverance: Pillars of Eternal Respect

We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.
Galatians 2:15-16
2 - Reflect
This afternoon, while I was waiting to be called to my doctor's office, I noticed a rather uncomfortable lady who had been waiting to be seen for some time. This lady kept on snorting and was getting annoyed that she had not yet been seen.

"They're wasting my time," she said, visibly irritable. This is something we often hear, trying to occupy our time with unnecessary matters to which we attach transcendental importance. Meditating on the matter, I think that, in reality, in every wait we are waiting for God in one way or another. The expression "waiting on the Lord" can mean much more when we remember that He is in control of all our circumstances. Learning to wait is vitally important because until we learn to do so we will never be able to do God's will, lead a worthy son's life, or experience the peace of resting in His sweet goodness.

We must learn to trust in his wisdom, for if we are obedient to his words, every expectation will have a teaching. That is why it is of utmost importance to remember that God wants to teach us patience and increase our faith. The Lord is more interested in developing in us a strong character in temperance than in allowing us to "waste time".


Exceeding the Lord's Expectations SUN 16

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The Lord Will Always Love You SAT 15

While shopping with my family at the mall, I couldn't help but notice a car with a sign that read: God loves you. Of course, we have seen this message ...

Enjoying Life's Paths FRI 14

God the Father, among the many gifts and blessings with which he showers us daily and throughout our lives, gave us a very particular gift that is often spoken ...

Dedicating the Necessary Time to Cultivate Faith THU 13

During our weekly talk in the community to which I belong, there was an interesting discussion about how grateful we are to Christ. There was one case ...

Learning from the Teachings of the Holy Spirit WED 12

Last night, my oldest daughter asked me what free will is. Religiously speaking, I told her that it is a blessing from God in which all human beings are free to...

Missing Opportunities to Feel Fulfilled WED 12

I always remember my friends from my adolescence, but today I remember one in particular, a person with a unique facility for words, those people who exert a ...