
Prioritizing What the Heart Feels Always

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.
Jeremiah 17:9-10
2 - Reflect
Most of us have, perhaps because of our upbringing, perhaps because we are children of God, or perhaps also because of human nature to use symbols to represent ideas, a definite image of good and evil.

For almost everyone, good and evil are represented by an angel and a devil, but this representation is valid for everything that is antagonistic, opposite. What the image conveys is that both points are opposed and against the values that the other preaches.

In the same way we can situate the heart and the mind, all within ourselves. The heart representing that which God intends of us, the direct communication with Him and the representation of all that is good, and on the other hand the mind, governed entirely by us, thanks to the virtue of free will with which God blessed us.

Many see free will as a burden, an unconscionable sacrifice to try to do things as God made them, and I personally believe that therein lies the error. It is not our duty to do things as Christ did, since He is unique; but instead, we must honor Him in our own way, doing all that we do with love. Let us remember then that free will is a gift that God gives us so that we can enjoy life.


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