
Continue your Healing Journey Daily

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:12
2 - Reflect
That today's society is lost is something we hear very often in recent times. I personally believe that we are a product of the times, with all their pros and cons, but still, we are free to choose the paths to take, the decisions to make that will benefit us in our lives.

Now, why is it that in these "call it now" times we get frustrated every time we are faced with something we cannot change, something we have no power over? I believe that all this consumerism leads us to a more volatile frustration, which brings us closer to distrust and subsequent loss of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us then take Him as our guide and example to follow, relying on His teachings, transmitted to us through His word, the Holy Bible. There, Jesus urges us to constantly strive to grow as people as our spirit grows in faith and love for the Holy God.

But, of course, that striving to fight battles against which we can do nothing, is wasted effort, it is a waste of energy that takes away our breath for the next battle.


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A Necessary Spiritual Balance THU 25

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Discover Who You Really Are TUE 23

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