
The weight of our promises

“Not one of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.”
Joshua 21:45
2 - Reflect
We often promise something in a state of despair, we make a promise that we think we will not break, so that God will free us from the anguish that something is causing us. We swear to God and Heaven that we will behave better, that we will give up certain misconducts, that we will be better Christians, so on and so forth. What we do not consider sometimes is the weight of these oaths, because our word has even greater value to God.

If we are too worried that something will happen or change, we may ask for anything, without thinking about the consequences to us if we do not comply. Not because something bad will happen to us, but because we will not be faithful to ourselves. Before making a request from God the Father, we must thoroughly consider what we are asking for. Surely, once we reflect on the matter, we will realize that it is a test that will make us stronger, that will help us mature or evolve. We may ask ourselves why we are sad in these situations and we will have a deep conversation with Our Father before making a promise that we cannot fulfill. If we are loyal devotees, our expectations for change will be achievable because we will be committed to our request.


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