
In the face of Adversity Divine Help

Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.
Jude 1:3
2 - Reflect
It has happened to me quite often that when I believe that I am on the right track and I spend some time without any problems, it is enough for me to become aware of my well-being for something unforeseen to happen. Some call it Murphy's law, I prefer to believe that it is a wake-up call from the Lord that is meant to tell us "don't let your guard down".

We also know that Christ understands about taking a break - He Himself took a break after He created the world - but at the same time it is a wake-up call for us not to remain too long in the rejoicing of what we have conquered.

There will always be more to do, the strength of our Faith can take us to unimagined places; the cultivation of the gifts with which we have been blessed well honors Jesus and makes Him proud of His children.

Yet, in those moments where peace is interrupted, doubt lurks: to overthrow all that has been achieved, to give way to temptation.

So it is important to consider that we are our own potential enemies, and that is why it is not superfluous to take measures in this regard. Let us then strengthen ourselves through the power of prayer, which will elevate our spirit to grow in Faith.


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